Monday, August 10, 2009

at the midway point

We are midway between appointments and nearly to the middle point of her pregnancy. Woo hoo! This means that on August 24th we will be in the doctor's office yet again and, this time, we will be finding out if the baby-to-be is a boy or a girl. I don't know if she will have to drink her weight in water for the ultrasound this time but I'll be sure to let you know.

Wonder what Andrea's thinking??? Please visit her blog at Baby Steps to Mom.

Life has finally calmed down after our summer of weddings and travel. Whew! We won't be doing that again anytime soon if we can help it. However, since I work at the university, school is just about to get started again and my work life will return to "crazy." Students will be streaming into our office and I will be trying to teach new freshman how to succeed in college. Busy, busy, busy!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sedona-Flagstaff Trip '09

WARNING: This a non-baby post! This post is just for fun :) has been hectic. So hectic, in fact, that we just had to get away. I (Cody) have been running myself so hard lately that I've been feeling sick, fatigued and I even developed a big 'ol cold sore on my nose near my eye (you may think it's the plague or the swine flu but, fear not, it isn't). Yeah, I need a breather.

Anyway, friends of ours have access to their parents' very nice home in Sedona and they invited us to join them on a trip. So for a grand total of $35 (plus gas) we are enjoying the generous hospitality of our friends. We are very grateful for them.

In Flagstaff there is a great coffee house called Macy's. It's a cool, bohemian coffee shop that I highly recommend if you like that kind of thing. The picture in this blog is from their menu. Good stuff.

Also, I am finding that relaxation is a learned habit. It's too easy in our society to get really busy and to push ourselves too hard. Hard work is a good thing but it must be kept in balance with the rest of life. Now, I can't really say that hard work constitutes my woes. I am not saying I'm lazy but I tend to stress about details more than I should. It is mainly this stress that has torn me down. I intend to change this.

Just so you know, I'm OK and you don't need to worry about me. God has used the stress and uncertainty of late to really show me how little I know about life and how to live it. There are pratical things that need to change (like sleeping more) and there are old worldviews that need to be overhauled (like what 'hope' is). I do believe that all things have reasons behind them and that life is a great adventure. Sometimes you need to fan away the fog and wait in order to see clearly.
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The Alleys: Est. 11/11/2007

Andrea is a mom to two "fur-babies," an amateur seamstress and homemaker a la Martha Stewart and Rachael Ray, a connoisseur of imported beers, an upcoming barista and restaurant manager, a Petlane Pet Advisor, an Icelander at heart, an occasional vegetarian, and a self-proclaimed correcter of grammatical errors (a.k.a. "grammar Nazi"). The intensity of her beauty is matched only by the passion she has for life. And she loves her husband more than life itself (yes, Cody wrote that part).

Cody is 100% lovable nerd and a budding musician. He is a thoughtful theologian, cultural critic, artist at heart, movie trivia buff, and fellow dog lover. He loves adventure, travel and seeking out everything that God has planned for him, which may or may not be his day job as an Academic Advisor at ASU, but it's a good way to pay the bills for now. His biggest desire is to go to seminary (although this really depends on the day) and his sense of humor is one of many things that others love most about him. He takes amazing care of his wife and their "fur-kids" (though he prefers to be called a "dog owner." Whatever.). He loves his wife more than life itself (he wrote that all on his own).

Together, the Alleys are navigating this thing called life by seeking out the Lord's guidance and wisdom. They love getting to know each other more and more every day. There is so much to learn and experience and this is where you'll find their journey.
