Saturday, December 5, 2009

...and we're back

Wow, we are long overdue for an update here, eh? Sorry about that! Here's what's been happening in our world.

The Baby
Andrea's appointments have increased from monthly to bi-weekly and everything is going picture-perfect! Andrea is healthy. Elska is now "in position" with her head down and is so low that the doctor said she pretty much will not be moving from this position. The cynic in me is slightly allergic to absolutes like this but all indications are that Elska is firmly in place. This is especially good because Andrea was born breach, her mother was born breach and when asked about the possibility of Elska being a breach baby, the doctor had said that it's possible if Andrea was built like her mother and grandmother. Well, they're Icelanders and that gene pool is pure so Andrea is built exactly like each of them. We had been nervous about this because Andrea would prefer to avoid the cesarean birth. So...that's good news!

We celebrated our 2nd anniversary this year and were greatly surprised and blessed to be given a chance to stay at a cabin in northern Arizona for free! The couple that owns this cabin are well-to-do and created it with other people in mind. They allow people to stay at the cabin and get away for a little bit of time. It was a great weekend that included a brief trip to Flagstaff from the cabin, hot chocolate, the Nintendo Wii, playing some pool, and just relaxing. Here are some pictures. You can find more pictures at Andrea's blog.


  1. And by "Honeymoon" I meant anniversary!


  2. Andrea - CONGRATULATIONS! I had no idea you were pregnant! Your Petlane family is so happy for you! Please let us know when the baby is born - and of course let me know if you would like to jumpstart your Petlane business (we have an AMAZING offer for hosts and customers in January/February).

    Tara :)


The Alleys: Est. 11/11/2007

Andrea is a mom to two "fur-babies," an amateur seamstress and homemaker a la Martha Stewart and Rachael Ray, a connoisseur of imported beers, an upcoming barista and restaurant manager, a Petlane Pet Advisor, an Icelander at heart, an occasional vegetarian, and a self-proclaimed correcter of grammatical errors (a.k.a. "grammar Nazi"). The intensity of her beauty is matched only by the passion she has for life. And she loves her husband more than life itself (yes, Cody wrote that part).

Cody is 100% lovable nerd and a budding musician. He is a thoughtful theologian, cultural critic, artist at heart, movie trivia buff, and fellow dog lover. He loves adventure, travel and seeking out everything that God has planned for him, which may or may not be his day job as an Academic Advisor at ASU, but it's a good way to pay the bills for now. His biggest desire is to go to seminary (although this really depends on the day) and his sense of humor is one of many things that others love most about him. He takes amazing care of his wife and their "fur-kids" (though he prefers to be called a "dog owner." Whatever.). He loves his wife more than life itself (he wrote that all on his own).

Together, the Alleys are navigating this thing called life by seeking out the Lord's guidance and wisdom. They love getting to know each other more and more every day. There is so much to learn and experience and this is where you'll find their journey.
